No Change To Data Protection, DNC Registry Rules

04 Feb 2014

Forum reply on TODAY, 4 Feb 2014 

I refer to Mr Daniel Chan’s letter, “Keep DNC Registry rules simple” (Jan 28).

The Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) wishes to emphasise that the proposed guidelines for the real estate agency and telecommunications sectors are not new rules and do not alter the scope and intent of the data protection and Do Not Call (DNC) Registry requirements under the law.

These are guidelines on how the Personal Data Protection Act applies to issues and scenarios raised specifically by the two sectors and will facilitate the sectors’ interpretation of and compliance with the Act.

This will, in turn, better protect consumers’ interest. The guidelines will also supplement guidelines issued last year by the PDPC, which covered issues such as key concepts in the Act, selected topics and DNC provisions.

Such guidelines or guidance notes are issued similarly in other data protection jurisdictions for the same purposes. The guidelines for the two sectors are open for public consultation until Feb 13, and we welcome the public’s views.

Unless an exemption under the Act applies, such as for market research, business-to-business marketing or where organisations have been given clear consent, individuals who have registered their Singapore telephone numbers should stop receiving unsolicited marketing calls, SMSes and faxes.

Those who have registered with the DNC Registry, but continue to receive unsolicited telemarketing messages from organisations, may lodge a complaint with the PDPC. We thank Mr Chan for the opportunity to further clarify this matter.

Mr Amos Tan
Director, Communications & Operations
Personal Data Protection Commission
