Launch of the PDPC Innovation Challenge

12 Jun 2023

The PDPC and IMDA have jointly launched the PDPC Innovation Challenge on the Open Innovation Platform (OIP) to enable the innovative and responsible use of data in industry.


The challenge call seeks alternative technological solutions to provide more options to organisations for accurate age estimations amidst the current age estimation solutions in the market and aims to help businesses segment and estimate the age of individuals online, especially children, without the need to collect facial images. Through this challenge call, participants are required to work with the PDPC and IMDA, organisations and end users on the prototyping of privacy preserving age estimation solutions and identify and address any potential concerns that may arise.


Preference will be given to participants who are Singapore registered or have a Singapore registered partner. Upon completion of the prototype, the PDPC and IMDA may explore areas to support solutions that have high commercial potential.


For more information on the challenge call, click here.


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