Kick-starting Your Data Protection Journey

Make use of resources from PDPC such as sample clauses, templates, communication materials and tools to kick-start the implementation of data protection polices and processes for your organisation.

Learning About The PDPA

PDPA E-Learning Programme

Learn about the PDPA with our free interactive E-Learning Programme which also includes a self-assessment module. Organisations can also assess their employees' learning outcomes through the corporate account functions.

DPO Connect

Subscribe to the PDPC’s e-newsletter DPO Connect to be kept informed on relevant updates on data protection related matters, updates on upcoming events organised by the PDPC and information on where to seek assistance for data protection related matters. 

PDPA Briefings for Industry

Industry briefings can be arranged on request through sectoral regulators or trade associations and chambers. Conducted by the PDPC, the briefing covers an overview of the PDPA, common scenarios faced by the industry, learning points from breach cases, and a Q&A session.

Getting Started on Compliance

Telemarketing and Do Not Call (DNC) Registry

If your organisation conducts telemarketing activities, ensure that you check the DNC requirements before starting your marketing campaigns. 

Legal Assistance

Organisations can refer to the Singapore Law Society’s Directory of Lawyers to engage a law firm/lawyer. 

VWOs/Charities can approach the Law Society Pro Bono Office for free legal consultation.


Subject to conditions, PDPC may provide guidance to help organisations in complying with specific obligations under the PDPA and its regulations in the context of its particular factual situation.

Managing Personal Data and IT Systems

Advisory Guidelines and Guides

Our Advisory Guidelines and Guides provide greater clarity on how PDPA may apply to your organisation. They cover a variety of topics such as notification, managing data breaches, and securing personal data in electronic medium.

Data Protection Service Providers

SMEs can build up data protection and security capabilities through a suite of professional services offered under the Data Protection Essentials (DPE) programme. Organisations may approach any of the listed providers who registered with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to get started on basic data protection practices. For more information, please visit the IMDA website.

PDPA Assessment Tool for Organisations 

This tool enables organisations to conduct a self-evaluation to identify key gaps or areas for improvement in their data protection policies and practices. 

Data Protection Notice Generator

This tool enables organisations to generate basic data protection notices to inform stakeholders about how their personal data is being managed.

Basic DPOinBox*

This tool by Straits Interactive supports DPOs in the implementation of the Data Protection Management Programme for their organisations.

Docukit Data Protection App*

This tool by ICONZ-Webvisions allows DPOs to keep track of how personal data is being managed within their organisations and across all data touchpoints in a consistent manner.

*These solutions are listed for your information only. Listing does not imply that they are accredited, endorsed or certified by the PDPC.

Building Capabilities

To thrive as a data protection professional, building core competencies, acquiring new skills and sharpening existing ones will enable you to become a better leader in data protection.  Find out how you can build your capabilities here.